For all my girls new to design – here’s a little look at my streamlined branding project process!
Booking – my clients typically find me through Pinterest / Instagram and book through this page on my website.
Once Clients have booked (paid 50% through quickbooks) and filled out this questionnaire, I get started on the brand discovery.
Brand discovery – This is where I establish the brand at the heart-before any visuals are created. I take their questionnaire and inspiration pinterest board and create a visual form of their brand. This includes audience, tone of voice, mission statement, core values, colors and more! For this I use a canva template I purchased then modified. I used to use the adobe suite and have found canva to be much more streamlined when it comes to updating and sharing.
I also record a video using where I record my screen and talk through what I am presenting. I have found this allows for more explanation and cuts down on emails.
I require my clients to deliver feedback using loom as well, to limit video calls and trying to understand lengthy emails in visual forms. I actually rarely talk to my clients on zoom or over the phone – which saves so much time!
Once the Brand discovery is approved I move onto the design process – For the actual logo design I use illustrator and procreate.
I present these logos in a presentation I create on canva ( another template I purchased then modified) and include mockups, visuals and using the logo like they would see it IRL. I have found this really gives my clients a look at how logos would look in the real world and helps them see the full picture. I use photoshop for my mock-ups!
Again, I shoot over these PDF presentations along with a loom video and require feedback using loom.
Once we go through all the rounds of edits and my clients decide on their final logos I put together brand guidelines – using a canva template again, I can also use a lot of what I used for the brand discovery.
The final files for the logos are exported from illustrator and I include everything in a zip!
I also like to include some social sharing collages or mockups for them. I can also use this on my end which is nice!
Then I invoice for the remaining 50% and the project is complete! I also pitch add ons like packaging, website or content within my email with the final files attached.
You can see a peek at what I referanced above IRL
I hope you found this helpful! If so – pin the graphic below (helps me get exposure / helps you reference later!